AKC purebred Male and Female Siberian Huskies puppies, just turned 12 weeks old. Absolutely adorable and well mannered, with parents on site. Come with health record, first set of shots and dewormed. 6 to choose from.
Tyra e Max são bonitos pequenos mini filhotes Bulldog Inglês. Eles são super brincalhão e gosta de ser o centro das atenções. Este anjinhos são um feixe de alegria e cheia de amor. Eles vão fazer grandes torno das crianças pequenas. Já começou o trei
garantir que você nunca viu um filhote de cachorro Pomeranian como este antes. Ela é de 10 semanas de idade. Forma perfeita, ossos, revestimento rico, nariz curto e grandes olhos negros.
Esperada peso adulta é de 3,5 lbs.
Muito pequeno, mui
Eles são animais maravilhosos e surpreendentes que fazem companheiros maravilhosos. Se levantou corretamente, então esses macacos serão membros amorosos da família por um longo tempo. Estão todos vacinados e virá com todos os papéis. Eu, pessoalmente
We have available Siberian Husky puppies ready to go. they have been micro-chipped, vet checked and has been vaccinated.
they are 12 weeks old, inculcated and de-wormed, AKC registered and very playfully. email us back for some recent pictures an
**jack** Just needs to find his 5 Star home, his brother is booked and he is READY NEXT WEEKEND. He is from a smashing little litter of 2 perfect JUG (Jack Rascal x Pug) Puppies. Just 2 little boys who are completely wonderful! Ready to leave around
French Bulldog Puppies
we have some stunning litter of french bulldog puppies. 3 month old, are ready to their new home. all puppies have been health checked, wormed and micro chipped, and are ready to their new home. kind to kids and other dogs,
French Bulldog Puppies
we have some stunning litter of french bulldog puppies. 3 month old, are ready to their new home. all puppies have been health checked, wormed and micro chipped, and are ready to their new home. kind to kids and other dogs,
we have some stunning litter of french bulldog puppies. 3 month old, are ready to their new home. all puppies have been health checked, wormed and micro chipped, and are ready to their new home. kind to kids and other dogs, will definitely love these
Male and female registered English Bulldog puppies up for a good home. They are brother and sister, both have had their second series of puppy shots, been dewormed, and come from a local award-winning AKC breeder.
English Bull available immediately vaccine first two worming microchip health booklet veterinary guarantee SLA inscription on sale all the guarantees maximum reliability for real connoisseur of racial prices
Available this beautiful Pomeranian dog Pomeranian. A beauty impossible to find fresh, ONLY!
Character wonderful, sweet, affectionate, socievolissima, dirty toilet tapettino!
Our puppies are born in the house, where they grow and socialize. C
I have 6 Siberian husky puppies, born on Oct. 20, 2013. 4 females and 2 males, all have beautiful blue eyes. Mom and Dad are on site. Puppies will come with first set of shots, dewormed, declawed, and a veterinarian book with all information and
I have 6 Siberian husky puppies, born on Oct. 20, 2013. 4 females and 2 males, all have beautiful blue eyes. Mom and Dad are on site. Puppies will come with first set of shots, dewormed, declawed, and a veterinarian book with all information and
Sell ​​adorable labrador retriever puppies honey-colored
Sell ​​adorable puppies labrador retriever color miele.hanno 2 months old, they are weaned corettanentSell ​​adorable labrador retriever puppies honey-co
There are the latest and beautiful Pug puppies blacks and brown, They can raggiunere new families from subito.Sono provided with medical records, immunizations and sverminazione.Sono playful, cuddly and affectionate, ideal for the home and for the co
Pomeranian spitz Volpino della cucciolo with passaporto microcip e maschi e femmine vaccinizioni obbligatoriedisponibili, che l\'analisi attestano assenza di parassiti intestinali, e dalle di competenza controllati asl. Passaggio di proprietors\' imm
Two beautiful and well trained Gypsy Vanner horses for adoption from our home and was one of their finest horses. Has had several foals , most recently a beautiful mare. Registered with GVHS. Very friendly, long mane and tail, loads well, green broke
Two beautiful and well trained Gypsy Vanner horses for adoption from our home and was one of their finest horses. Has had several foals , most recently a beautiful mare. Registered with GVHS. Very friendly, long mane and tail, loads well, green broke
Two beautiful and well trained Gypsy Vanner horses for adoption from our home and was one of their finest horses. Has had several foals , most recently a beautiful mare. Registered with GVHS. Very friendly, long mane and tail, loads well, green broke
Two beautiful and well trained Gypsy Vanner horses for adoption from our home and was one of their finest horses. Has had several foals , most recently a beautiful mare. Registered with GVHS. Very friendly, long mane and tail, loads well, green broke
Two beautiful and well trained Gypsy Vanner horses for adoption from our home and was one of their finest horses. Has had several foals , most recently a beautiful mare. Registered with GVHS. Very friendly, long mane and tail, loads well, green broke
Two beautiful and well trained Gypsy Vanner horses for adoption from our home and was one of their finest horses. Has had several foals , most recently a beautiful mare. Registered with GVHS. Very friendly, long mane and tail, loads well, green broke
Two beautiful and well trained Gypsy Vanner horses for adoption from our home and was one of their finest horses. Has had several foals , most recently a beautiful mare. Registered with GVHS. Very friendly, long mane and tail, loads well, green broke
Two beautiful and well trained Gypsy Vanner horses for adoption from our home and was one of their finest horses. Has had several foals , most recently a beautiful mare. Registered with GVHS. Very friendly, long mane and tail, loads well, green broke
Two beautiful and well trained Gypsy Vanner horses for adoption from our home and was one of their finest horses. Has had several foals , most recently a beautiful mare. Registered with GVHS. Very friendly, long mane and tail, loads well, green broke
Two beautiful and well trained Gypsy Vanner horses for adoption from our home and was one of their finest horses. Has had several foals , most recently a beautiful mare. Registered with GVHS. Very friendly, long mane and tail, loads well, green broke
Two beautiful and well trained Gypsy Vanner horses for adoption from our home and was one of their finest horses. Has had several foals , most recently a beautiful mare. Registered with GVHS. Very friendly, long mane and tail, loads well, green broke
Two beautiful and well trained Gypsy Vanner horses for adoption from our home and was one of their finest horses. Has had several foals , most recently a beautiful mare. Registered with GVHS. Very friendly, long mane and tail, loads well, green broke
Two beautiful and well trained Gypsy Vanner horses for adoption from our home and was one of their finest horses. Has had several foals , most recently a beautiful mare. Registered with GVHS. Very friendly, long mane and tail, loads well, green broke
Two beautiful and well trained Gypsy Vanner horses for adoption from our home and was one of their finest horses. Has had several foals , most recently a beautiful mare. Registered with GVHS. Very friendly, long mane and tail, loads well, green broke
Two beautiful and well trained Gypsy Vanner horses for adoption from our home and was one of their finest horses. Has had several foals , most recently a beautiful mare. Registered with GVHS. Very friendly, long mane and tail, loads well, green broke
Two beautiful and well trained Gypsy Vanner horses for adoption from our home and was one of their finest horses. Has had several foals , most recently a beautiful mare. Registered with GVHS. Very friendly, long mane and tail, loads well, green broke
Our litter are raised in a natural environment, Excellent litter of Saint Bernard With national pedigree, vaccinated, wormed, microchipped and a written health guarantee Delivered two months old Shipping all over Spain, Peninsula and Balear
We have English bulldog puppies from the finest bloodlines . These puppies are extremely sociable, healthy and raised in our home with lots of love and care. Complete your family by taking one of these precious puppies home. registered, Micro-chippe
If you are interested in adopting a 4 paws animal please head to our website www. 4pawsanimalrescue. Org. Au and complete an adoption application, our coordinator will then be in contact with you
smudge is a 4 year old, male, shih tzu. Sadly
Rusty, 3 years old. Fox terrier
sweet little man who loves his walks. Rusty would be best suited to an older couple/person that is home most of the time. He would prefer to be the only dog in the house
STUBBY is a 10 year old, male, 6 kg approximate weight, Foxy Cross.
When Stubby was surrendered he immediately showed a friendly and loving nature toward everyone around him.
Stubby has always slept indoors, he has only ever known l
EFFIE is a 11 year old female, 5.9 kilogram, Silky Terrier Cross, her owner died a couple of weeks ago.
In the time 4 Paws has known her she appears quiet and non aggressive toward other dogs. She is toilet trained and happy to wander in and
MISSY is a 3 year old, Female, Chihuahua Cross Papillon.
Missy is a small little girl looking for someone to love her.
She is happy to follow you around the house as companionship from an owner is what she is looking for.
Small Male Poodle
Located in Queensland
Max, 11 years old, male, toy poodle
Max is a very happy little man, he gets on well with other dogs and loves spending his days with his family
BASIL is a 18 month, male, 4.3 kg, Corgi Cross.
He still has a lot of puppy in him. He wants to play, run, walk and be loved all the time.
Basil displays a reasonable amount of discipline but will require ongoing training to enhance
Introducing Julia, a 5 year old, female, Tibetian Spaniel
Julia is a very sweet little lady, she is a tiny bit shy so a home without children would suit her best.
She loves a cuddle and enjoys human company so we would prefer an own
Brutis and Missy are the best of mates and must be re-homed together.
Brutis is a 7 year old, male, Chihuahua Cross. Missy is a 6 year old, female, Maltese Cross Fox Terrier.
Their owner could no longer look after them and they were
SPICE is a approx: 10/11 year old female Fox Terrier
Spice is best suited to a home as an ONLY pet due to her dominant nature although she is a nice little affectionate girl.
She has lived in a house where she has access to outside
LARRY is a male, 5 year old, 7.8 kg, Foxie Jack Russell Cross.
Larry is a friendly fellow that loves people, kids, dogs and cats.
He is not aggressive, does not bark a lot though is a good guard dog as he will bark to let you know s
MUFFIN is a male Chihuahua, 1.8 kg, 8 years old.
SANDY is a female Chihuahua, 3.2 kg, 7 years old.
They are a dear little pair that need to stay together. 4 Paws are looking to re-home them to a new family or f
SUKI, 10 years old, Fox terrier
This gorgeous girl was found wondering the streets with a belly filled with kidney stones and very depressed.
Since recovering from her operation to remove such huge stones she is happy and enjoying l
Misty is a five year old Maltese x .
Her elderly owner has gone into care and there was nobody else to take her so 4 Paws was called.
Misty is scared and disoriented, she was devoted to her owner and he to her.
Misty needs