BASIL is a 18 month, male, 4.3 kg, Corgi Cross.
He still has a lot of puppy in him. He wants to play, run, walk and be loved all the time.
Basil displays a reasonable amount of discipline but will require ongoing training to enhance what he has already learnt.
Basil is a small fellow and would have to be inside with the family especially at night whilst sleeping. He is robust enough to spend time outdoors during the day but would require a family willing to include him whilst at home.
He is happy to walk but more training on lead would be required.
He has displayed no aggression toward other dogs, cats or birds but common-sense if you did own either of these pets would be needed in the early days of getting to know each other.
Basil is a little nervous in the car so a good seat belt restraint will be required.